On Saturday I helped a new family in the ward move into a house down the street. It only took a few hours, so I had time to kill- so did Skyler. He is a cute blonde 4 yr old with lots to say but not the ability to do so. He showed me the collections of pinecones and sticks that he had found while everyone else was moving boxes. Then we went and played at the park. He build a volcano out of the sand and I watched. It was great to watch him move the dirt around from pile to pile, like he didn't realize that everything around him was dirt. Eventually I had to get things done, so I took him home with his collection of sticks and pinecones that he insisted on bringing.
Sunday night my mom took some food to them and Skyler asked "Where's that girl?" For some reason that hit me. Where is that girl that played with a four year old for a couple hours on a Saturday afternoon? Where is that girl that helped her neighbors move? Where is that girl that got up at 8 am on a Saturday? Where is that girl? Sometimes I feel like I'm two different people- happy, good me, and depressed me. I hate it when I let the depression win, when I stay in bed all morning, when I avoid social outings, when I ignore my family, when I don't read my scriptures. Where is the girl that is an outgoing leader? Where is the girl who loves to help her family and friends? Where is the girl that is preparing for a mission? Where is the girl who loves to study and learn? Where is that girl? I'm not sure where she keeps going, but this time she is here to stay! I'm going to be that girl! No one, myself included, will ever have to ask where is that girl again!
Thanks Skyler.
7 years ago
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